If you want to have a Canon Character Copy this template. (A character from the show)
Characters Name: Piccolo
Characters Gender: Male
Character's Race: Namekian
Alignment: He starts off evil but ends up good even though he likes to act all evel.
Powerlevel: 400
Zenni: 500
Character's appearance (may be an image):
Planet you want to start on: Earth
What are your starting techniques: Regeneration, Fusion, Special Beam Cannon, Hell Zone Grenade
Characters story: Piccolo Was once part of Kami. Kami was to be the guardian of earth but he had to remove all of the evil inside him. That is how Piccolo was born. He grew up on earth, hating it and wanting to take it over one day. He spent his childhood training. He met Goku and became his enemy. But one day, he and Goku hat to work together. He killed goku in order to stop his brother form taking over the Earth instead of him. when he did this, he did not feel the satisfaction that he thought he would.
The very day Goku died, Piccolo took Gohan to train him. Gigi was not very happy but there was nothing she could do about it. Piccolo left Gohan in the wilderness of an island and occasionally checked up on him. He made Gohan into a warrior. When reunited with His father, Gohan was happy again and continued to train and fight alongst side them. Goku saw that Piccolo was becomeing good even if Piccolo didnt want to admit it to himself.
Piccolo gave up his life for Goku. When he was brought back from the grave, He constantly helped Goku and the others in there struggles to protect the earth. He watches over Gohan the closest.