Dragon Ball Z: Conflicts Return
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Dragon Ball Z: Conflicts Return

This is an alternate reality Dragon Ball Z Roleplaying Forum. Here you will be able to re-create some of the most epic battles in Dragon Ball History. The twist? You are controlling the way the story ends.
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 A Man Of Vision (Raven's Training Thread)

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PostSubject: A Man Of Vision (Raven's Training Thread)   A Man Of Vision (Raven's Training Thread) Icon_minitimeFri Aug 14, 2009 7:38 am


Raven entered the underground training grounds of Tuffle. being that he liked to get stronger and be in his top shape and form as well as raise to the top he trained nearly every day. Today would be his first day with the gravity chamber. He walked inside the circular room filled with tiles, wegihts and a large control room in the middle. It seemed that the equipment inside could increase a rooms gravity, as well as running various other programs. Through his own trial an error on how to run things, he entered the steel room and decided to give it a shot. Since it was his first time training, he followed his own intuition and set the gravity to five times that of Earth.

A sudden lurch pulled his body downward, stretching it, however after a moment he snapped back to normal. Fortunately this was not a large enough increase in gravity to major inconvenience him. Raven then lifted back into the air and attempted a few spins. Though he was not in any discomfort from the gravity, it still altered his movement. The spins came out misshapen and on many occasions he nearly crashed into a wall. He continually put to much or too little force into his motions. Not deterred, he kept at it and finally managed a perfect circle. He was now much more comfortable in the chamber, and spun through the air in figure eight patterns, getting faster with each pass. Finally he did a back flip through the air, and dropped back to the ground.

It had taken a lot of effort to get control over himself in the new gravity, but he was still far from tired. Jumping up he looked over the control panels, and finally found a setting that looked interesting. With the push of a button, three small spheres emerged from the walls. Three low beeps echoed from the steel walls, designating the start of the training program. As soon as the last beep sounded, the laser fire began. Raven darted between two beams as he returned fire with a simple ki blast. The attack hit the first sphere and sent it to the ground. Its lights faded as it registered the hit. With one foe down the other two increased in ferocity. Raven attempted another attack, but was taken by surprise from the side. The green beam blazed into his side, leaving a small burn mark. Fortunately the chamber was not designed to inflict lethal damage, though such a wound would have only inconvenienced Raven.

The burning sensation fully jarred him awake, and the gravity no longer affected him. At full speed he rushed into the air and followed after the nearest of the orbs. It turned it's turret towards him, but each time he darted to another angle. Finally he caught up with the sphere, and kicked it into the nearby wall. As its light faded, the third orb blazed with new life. It sped up rapidly and, rather than shoot him, rammed Raven in the side. The force of the orb blew him to the floor. The turret clicked as it pointed down towards Raven, however he rolled to the side as the blast hit the floor. Grabbing the floor he spun his body in an impossible manner, rotating everything but his arms, before shooting up at the ball like a disc, his attack seemed to through the sphere off a bit. The ball's targeting was locked, it could not move until it fired. Raven impacted the sphere and it too crashed into the cold steel wall. It's green lights faded as it clambered down harmlessly.

After the attack he spun in the air dizzily, before falling to the ground once more. Though it was on a low setting, the sphere had quite a bit of force in its tackle, most likely it had copied his own power level. He lay in place for some time, letting the throbbing in his side pass, and simply grew used to the gravity level. Once he felt completely at him with this setting, he pushed back up and pulled the switch. With a droning sound the devices switched off, and the weight on Raven's body finally vanished.

After having a good break he decided to experiment with the gravity chamber once again. Jumping above the ground he set it to double his previous level, and waited for the hum of the system to begin. This time he expected the sudden shift of weight, and kept himself locked. His stomach dragged down a bit, but only for an instant. After that his body returned to its normal proportions. The pull was twice what he had experienced before, however it still fortunately was not too much to bare. He was used to higher gravity now and attempted to jump a couple of times. He didn't make it very high, but at the very least his legs did not get sore, and he left the ground. The thought of repeating his previous work to become comfortable at this setting seemed to become more redundet in time he was tired of flying in circles, and so he decided to see what other settings the machine had.

He of course noticed the button to activate the three spheres, as well as what seemed to be wall turrets. He considered giving them a try, but wasn't really in the mood to just dodge. Fortunately next to this was a simulated opponent command. This seemed a lot more interesting. He happily pushed it and a further menu appeared. So far the buttons had been visual. He played around with it for a moment, and soon beams of light emitted from the wall. A tall android appeared in front of Raven, striking a combat stance. The android parried two of his punches, but the third blasted him into the wall. He was already badly hurt, and dashed at Raven. His attacks were very slow however, Raven easily turned around each. He than kicked the android in the jaw. They flew upward into the roof and disintegrated on impact.

He examined the system further and finally figured out what he believed to be a power setting. He also, via the graphics, found a species selection. He recognized most of them, but one simply appeared as a blot. Very curious, he gave this one a try. After figuring the rest of the commands out, he hit the switch. Light poured from the chamber and began to form into the new synthetic opponent. However his expression changed to dread as the creature was formed. The opponent was a tall human-like figure, nearly eight feet in height, with a muscular build and saiyan armor. Two large horns rose from the helm atop his head, appearing like that of a changeling. Raven trembled as he watched him appear. The warrior did not acknowledge him, it was only a memory, and instead readied itself for battle. He frantically reminded himself it was just an image. After many seconds, fortunately the machine was set to wait for the first attack, Raven finally rose his nerve back up. He lifted into the air, the gravity now feeling much greater, and rushed his enemy. A smirk on his face as he thirst for the challenge and the thrill of a fight.

To begin the fight, he threw a kick at the right side of the creature’s head. However he easily stopped it with one hand. Using his left he than grabbed his short leg and spun it around him twice. He than released, sending Raven hurtling into the wall. His body squished against it, reforming in the opposite direction to allow him to kick off faster. The creature was taken a bit by surprise at this and Raven delivered a two footed kick to his chest. The great warrior was propelled by the force, but skidded to a stop. A flash of golden aura surrounded his arm as he batted Raven away once more. He than put his fists beside one another and fired a dragon like ki wave at him. It snaked after him as he rushed to the side, and finally melted away. With this momentary opening, Raven rushed at the creature and spun like a disk making use of both of his Jigoku techniques. Raven's whirling mass hit the creature’s chest repeatedly, slashing it with his newly formed sharp edges. The creature started to fall back as cuts made its way through its chest. Watching the warrior fall left Raven with a new feeling. Even if he knew it was an illusion, his emotions began to burn. In a mad rush he lashed into the creature and punched him in the face again and again. His legs broke it up now and then, and in the end he stomped down with both. He grounded his heel into the creature’s face once before grinning. With that done he let his body dissolve and disappear into the simulation of the gravity chamber.

His entire body was sore, and so Raven clicked the button to deactivate the gravity. It felt much like his pain melting away as the machine switched off. He was still sore from the fight, but without the gravity there was no pressure on his limbs. He couldn't resist hopping a few times to test his speed now. The simulation had taken form of a saiyan and a changeling that he had never seen before. Both of them were formidable foes, and those were two battles not easily forgotten. It shook him up a bit, but now he realized it is what drove him on to be stronger, to complete the training and move on.
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PostSubject: Re: A Man Of Vision (Raven's Training Thread)   A Man Of Vision (Raven's Training Thread) Icon_minitimeFri Aug 14, 2009 7:42 am


Powerlevel: 6,750
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PostSubject: Re: A Man Of Vision (Raven's Training Thread)   A Man Of Vision (Raven's Training Thread) Icon_minitimeFri Aug 14, 2009 7:43 am

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PostSubject: Re: A Man Of Vision (Raven's Training Thread)   A Man Of Vision (Raven's Training Thread) Icon_minitimeFri Aug 14, 2009 8:13 am


Raven got up the next morning ready for some more training and to hone his speed and strength once again. Raven sighed as he walked toward the gravity control panel. He quickly got dressed into training clothes, a simple black shirt and shorts, and descended into the white-tiled gravity room. Raven was finally beginning to understand the intricate mechanism that controlled the gravity. He switched the dial to twenty. He began to sprint from one end of the room to the other. The room was more expansive than you would think. Within five minutes he was exhausted, but continued. He continued for another half hour, before collapsing on the floor. He just laid there for several hours, regaining his energy from the running. He then pushed himself of the ground, and began to punch the air as if an invisible enemy was there. First an uppercut, then a crosskick, followed by a roundhouse combo. Soon, his imaginary enemy had been worn out.

Raven muttered something into a speaker to the left of the console, and around three holes in the wall opened up. A metallic clunking sound echoed through the room, as three tall steel monsters crawled out of the hole. Raven put both fists in a defensive stance, protecting his head, and spread his feet apart, the right knee facing them, his battle stance. Raven motioned to the androids to attack. They did so. One of them grabbed his back, holding onto his arms which the droid had ripped from there position. The second stood back and fired ki blasts in rapid sequence. The last android rushed forward, delivering a massive barrage of punches to Raven's unprotected gut. Raven began to get frustrated. A blast of ki formed around his hand, and then it exploded. Raven had just shot out a ki blast of his own, a red sphere. The two androids closest to him, No.1 and No.3 vaporized, with the other gaining a defensive stance.

Raven, rubbing the wounds on his chest and arms, looked up at the android. His eyes were filled with fury, his pride hurt. He rushed at the metallic creature, fists flying and landing on all points of the creature’s exoskeleton. Metal crumpled here, equipment exploded there. The android was soon running low on ki, and exhausted. Raven held his hand to the monster's face. A red bolt of ki had formed in it, and was growing rapidly. A giant beam of red ki obliterated the steel monster. Raven sighed as he grew tired and weary he sat down, closed his eyes, and rested.

Raven had just woken up from a nightmare similar to one he had before. A great purple lizard-like alien, was destroying the palace. He shot purple beams from every finger, and screams rattled through the walls. Raven was sitting on the floor, his head pounding, ready for the creature to arrive at his room. Slowly, the door shook, and plaster began to fall from the ceiling. The door eventually burst open, with a warrior more than double Raven's own power standing there, the lizard. He held a finger forward, and a purple beam shot out. Raven closed his eyes, and then opened them, feeling no pain. This was when he awoke. He wiped his forehead with one of his palms, and got out of his bed. He quickly drank some water, and then descended to the gravity chamber.

He quickly adjusted all the dials and switches, and in minutes he had set it to twenty times once again. The strain on his back was far more than any of the gravities he had trained in before. He began to run crunches from one end to the other, sweat running from his forehead. It splashes onto his black robes, which he couldn't be bothered to remove. He wipes all the liquid from his brow, and continues for a quarter of an hour without stopping. When he finished, he fell to the floor, breathing deeply, more hungry than he had been in weeks.

It was soon after that he called on several of the finest saibamen fighters to the huge chamber. The gravity was the same as on there home planet, so they would move around with ease. Each one was around the strength of one third of Raven's, but could put up a good fight. Raven nods at each warrior, but they just glared back. Most of the Saibamen were grown and had a friendly rivalry with whom ever stood in their way. Raven glares back, and gets into his Elite battle position. The Saibamens are unorganized, and they get into clumsy positions. Raven notes several points he could hit, before the fight begins.

The first rushed Raven, slashing at the chest of the tuffle, who blocks the attack with a simple catch. With his other hand he balls up a fist, then un-clenches it. The air around his foe exploded, and the wounded Saibamen warrior falls to the floor his gaze goes back to the remaining four, and the second comes forward.

This one drew on having very long nails which have been sharpened to the cutting edge of a katana. He leaps at the young teen, bringing his claws down on the boy’s chest. It scrapes along his body, causing warm red blood to spray onto the white tiles. Raven puts an arm across his chest, and with the other he makes his palm face the blue alien. A gentle humming sound resonated around the room, as a red blast forms in the palm of the warriors hand. The blast is soon fully formed, and lethal to the touch. Raven unleashes it on the clawed fighter, and he spirals back, smoke rising of his chest from the fireball. Raven can see that he is severely burnt and wounded, but alive.

The third and fourth come along together, and even from a distance you could see that they were twins. The same color and shape, skin tone, eye color, right down to every spot. They rush at Raven symmetrically, the first grabbing Raven's hands and leaving him defenseless, the second beginning to charge a ki wave with two outstretched hands. Raven waits for the beam to charge, but as it fires, flips over, most of the beam blasting the first twin. Raven shrugs off the charred brother, and after hearing a slight breathing, turns to the second. He was beginning to charge another wave, this one more powerful. Raven cups outstreaches his hands, and a red orb sparks into existence. Electricity crackles up and down the teen body, as the blast finishes charging. Raven unleashes the destructive energy blast at the warrior as the warrior fires his own beam. They collide, but Raven quickly overpowers the miniscule green beam, and blows the Saibamen unconscious to the ground.

Raven approaches the final Saibamen, who has a power level only three quarters of his own. He smiles, and motions at the alien to come at him. The alien follows through, and rushes at him, a faint blue blur through the air. Raven also rushes at him, and soon the two are throwing a barrage of punches at each other. Both get hit in the jaw at the same time, and Raven blocks a few, then the warrior blocks a few as well. Raven finally pushes the warrior away, and charges ki into both of his outspread palms. He to fire rapid amounts of needles out of both, wearing himself down as well as the warrior. When the last hits, the alien is forced to his knees. Raven takes this chance to rush at him, and brings his own knee to the blue warriors head. He slides across the ground, exhausted and unconscious. Raven then falls limp, asleep.

When he wakes up he finds himself on the cold hard floor of the gravity chamber. It was automatically shut off by the computer scanners when it read Raven’s activity levels. It was programmed to automatically shut off if the user became unconscious. Raven slowly stood up and sighed as he stretched and cracked his neck. He could feel his sore body, but his radiant power. He stumbles out of the room, heading back to his quarters for some well deserved rest.
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A Man Of Vision (Raven's Training Thread) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Man Of Vision (Raven's Training Thread)   A Man Of Vision (Raven's Training Thread) Icon_minitimeFri Aug 14, 2009 8:19 am


Powerlevel: 6,500
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A Man Of Vision (Raven's Training Thread) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Man Of Vision (Raven's Training Thread)   A Man Of Vision (Raven's Training Thread) Icon_minitimeFri Aug 14, 2009 8:37 am

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PostSubject: Re: A Man Of Vision (Raven's Training Thread)   A Man Of Vision (Raven's Training Thread) Icon_minitimeFri Aug 14, 2009 12:32 pm


Raven walked into the giant space pod, training program thing once again. The lights flickered on as usual as the motion sensors picked up. The screen came to life and started to read his data, preparing him for the next training session, he was there for gravity once again.

Raven switched the gravity up to thirty and attempted to stay on his feet. He found this a mighty challenge, but after the massive 20x gravity, he found he could stand. He stood for a minute, before starting to walk around. After this, instead of the usual jogging then running, he went to his regular exercises in order to loosen up and get use to the gravity a bit more.

He stretched this way and that, and finally got to his feet after several hundred push-ups. Next, he started to leap around, and flip over where his own head would be by over a meter. He eventually landed on his front and continued with push-ups. He rolled onto his back and started on his sit-ups.

Raven got up and recovered his breath, while relaxing his muscles. He slowly got up and walked over to the control panel. He had gotten used to fighting these mechanical beings, like an android sparring partner. He watched the droid as it prepared to fight. Raven did likewise, and stood in a fighting stance. The droid started with a punch aimed at Raven's head.

Raven ducked, and brought his fist upwards into the droids stomach. The droid doubled over, and Raven brought his elbow down into the droids back. The droid was forced to its knees and Raven threw his knee up into is face. The droid fell onto its back. Raven flipped backwards and sent a barrage of needles down upon the droid. He stopped as he realized that the droid had had no chance to attack him.

The droid did not rise from this barrage. Raven had gotten stronger. He lowered himself to the ground in front of the control panel, and flicked another switch. Another two droids came out and simultaneously leapt at Raven. Raven ducked the first, and side stepped the second.

The second came at Raven and threw a punch into Raven's face. Raven blocked the second and threw several punches of his own at the droid, before throwing him at the other droid. He leapt into the air and threw several ki blasts, but not enough to be called a barrage. One droid emerged almost instantly, and aimed a swinging punch at Raven's stomach, but Raven just blocked this attack, and threw the droid again towards the other.

The other droid leapt over the first, and flew directly towards Raven, ki blast leaving each hand several hundred times a second. Raven had no idea how it was shooting them so quickly. He had his hands outstretched, and was blocking the barrage, but still was getting forced back. He waited until the droid was close enough, and fired back the ki attack in one massive red beam directly at the droid. The droid stopped in its tracks and crumbled to dust. Raven looked at the other and showered it with a barrage to destroy it.

Now he was panting heavy and his muscles were sore, they started to lock up so he sat down. As he started his stretches, they suddenly became slower and harder, as the gravity was holding him down. He eventually managed 300 of each push-ups and sit-ups then got to his feet.

This was harder than he had expected, and took him a great deal of time. In future, he would walk round before warm-ups. He finally walked over to the control panel again, and flicked the switch for one droid. He would fight as many droid's as he could at the same time. The first came out and faced Raven.

He flew into the air and sent a ki blast about the size of his own head down at the droid.The droid easily dodged this attack, and flew toward Raven. Raven held his hand out and it was filled with bright red light. The droid stopped two centimeters from the energy ball. A beam the thickness of Raven's arm flew out into the droids face, sending him flying into the wall, the beam drilling into him.

Raven flew at the droid, and sent a punch into its stomach. He seemed to have learned to balance this new power level again. Raven backed off and sent several ki blast at it. He waited to see if the droid was still alive. When the smoke cleared, there was a hole through it, where Raven had punched him.

He regained his breath, and flew over to the control panel to bring out another two droids. They came out and attacked at once. Raven punched the first in the face, stunning it, and blocking the second from getting to Raven.

Raven backhanded the droid in front to the floor, and the other took the chance to get to Raven and threw a punch at its head. It pulled its head backwards out of the way, and threw several punches into Raven's stomach.

Raven doubled over and after several punches he grabbed the droids hand as it closed in on his stomach. He threw the droid behind him just as the other reached him. He knocked the droid back with a punch and followed through with a largish ki blast. The droid was thrown against the wall and shattered.

The last remaining droid closed in on him from behind, and Raven just placed his outstretched arm behind him and sent a single ki blast into the droids face. The droid was forced backwards into the wall, and also shattered. Next he programmed for three droids and out they came.

He faced them from the air, and stretched his hands out. Several red pulses of energy came out from his hands and sent the droids flying. He continued to send these red auras of energy out towards the droids, and within a minute they had been destroyed.

He knew that hadn't been a fair fight and programmed the machine for another three, but for now he had to concentrate on training. He looked on as the three droids left the chamber they were kept in. He charged as the first droid came at him, and dodged past him, over the second, and kicked the third directly in the chest.

He had no idea why he was going for the third droid, but he was. He blasted it with two ki blasts, one from each hand, and sent it shooting into the wall. Another droid attacked him from the back as he got up, sending him down to the floor again. He span round on his knees and backhanded the droid that had knocked him down.

The droid fell to the floor, and got up straight away, to get kicked back to the floor again by Raven, who by now was standing up. Raven jumped over him and knocked the last droid, who had been idle so far, to the floor. He turned back around to face number 2, kicking him in the head.

The droids head flew into the air, leaving only one droid left. He faced this droid and sent a small thin ki beam at where the droids heart would be if he was alive. The droid collapsed and Raven looked around at the three now empty shells. He flew to the control panel and for some reason realized that he was in 30x gravity, even though it was feeling like his own gravity.

Nearly. He programmed the machine for four droids, and knew that he was going to find this hard. The droids came out and Raven faced them, sending a single pulse of energy towards them, like the set he had created earlier.

He followed this single pulse and threw his fist into one of the middle ones. He flew out again and named the droids from one to four. The one he had punched was number two. It came flying at him, and threw a ki blast straight into Raven's face.

Raven was forced a meter or so back, then he came back to punch the droid again. He sent several punches into the droids face and then rapidly and repeatedly punch him in the stomach. He sent one more punch, harder than average, and knocked the droid back into the wall. Droid 3 grabbed Raven's round the neck with one arm. The other arm sent a punch into Raven's spine and sent him sprawling to the floor. The droid held him down as droids one and four punched him in the stomach and ribs.

He concentrated, trying to ignore the pain, and sent another energy pulse out. The droids were thrown around the room and against the walls. That could win him a tournament fight. He got to his feet and sent hundreds of ki blasts around the room, in random directions. Some hit droids some just lingered in the air. The ones that lingered in the air stayed there until the training session was over then closed in on Raven for him to destroy. Raven held up his arm the remainder of his energy shot out of his hand, the ki instantly killing the remanding droids. Sweat poured down Raven’s face as his vision became blurred, he passed out from exhaustion.
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A Man Of Vision (Raven's Training Thread) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Man Of Vision (Raven's Training Thread)   A Man Of Vision (Raven's Training Thread) Icon_minitimeFri Aug 14, 2009 11:23 pm


Powerlevel: 8,000
Zenni: 5,000
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A Man Of Vision (Raven's Training Thread) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Man Of Vision (Raven's Training Thread)   A Man Of Vision (Raven's Training Thread) Icon_minitimeFri Aug 14, 2009 11:28 pm

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A Man Of Vision (Raven's Training Thread) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Man Of Vision (Raven's Training Thread)   A Man Of Vision (Raven's Training Thread) Icon_minitimeSat Aug 15, 2009 12:57 am

(Weighted Clothing)

Raven dragged himself through the rubble of the Tuffle gravity room slowly, inching ever more toward the gravity chamber. His determination was amazing. His legs were completely immobile, and his fingers could only twitch. His arms did all the work as he climbed, struggling over pieces of debris, until he finally reached the hallway leading to the gravity room. He was exhausted after constantly training in the gravity and simulation room.

He stopped for a moment to catch his breath. What was he doing? Was he trying to kill himself? All of these thoughts crossed the young tuffle's mind, but moments later, he picked himself up again and continued to crawl toward the chamber. The enemies of his people were growing stronger every day, and he had to stay ahead of them. He had to train to stop all that would stand in his way.

Finally, after what seemed like hours, Raven's hands clanked on the metal floor of the gravity chamber. Just a few more feet until his training could resume...the last of his physical strength brought him to the console and propped him up against it as he punched the keys to engage gravity times forty.

Raven let his body fall to the ground as the gravity turned on. The strain was more than he had before experienced, but due to his great power he withstood it with little difficulty. He prepared to do as all of his race could--to engage in a mental training session. It was truly an amazing ability, to be able to gain more power by having a purely non-physical battle. The best part for Raven was that the gravity would have the same effect on his mental projection as it would on his physical body. He might just have the strength he needed to recover from his wounds after his training.

Raven closed his eyes, feeling the gravity working against his body and causing his mental faculties to experience quite a bit of strain. Finally, his consciousness was transferred to his mental projection, and he found himself standing on a vast plain, stars littering the sky. The mental Raven jumped around a bit and tested the gravity slightly, finding that it made him feel as though he weighed tons. The pre-teen found that his speed was slowed a great deal as he turned to face his opponent.

The warrior that Raven created was a Saiyan; in fact, it was a mirror image of the warrior he had longed to face. It was a fight Raven could count on that really could pushed his limits, and learning to combat this fighter's style would greatly aid him in dealing with the rest of the Saiyan population.

The warrior took a fighting stance, while Raven stood completely still. Angry at his nonchalant behavior, the Saiyan charged, sending a flurry of punches and kicks that Raven dodged easily. With every feverish blow, however, he was losing speed, another effect of the gravity--it took a bit off of his edge. Finally, the Saiyan connected with a punch that sent the boy skidding backward a few feet.

Raven smiled. It would be a valuable training experience, this one. The teen rushed his opponent, fist raised for a strike, as the Saiyan prepared a block. At the last possible moment, Raven disappeared and reappeared behind him, driving a fist into his back that sent him stumbling forward. Raven disappeared and appeared again in front of him, kicking him in the chin and sending the warrior onto his back on the ground.

Smirking, Raven leapt high in the air and landed on the Saiyan's rib cage full force, chuckling at the loud CRACK he heard upon impact. The warrior screamed in pain at his broken ribs as Raven jumped into the air, whipping his foot at the Saiyan to send him rolling across the ground. The young tuffle took a few steps back and began to study the Saiyan's pained moves.

The blow from the fist had hurt quite a bit, leaving a bruise on Raven's chest. Now, though, he clearly had the advantage as the Saiyan climbed to his feet painfully, a small yellow orb in his hand. Raven knew what was coming, but waited anyway. He needed to know how to fight this form the Saiyans changed into, seemingly at will. He watched with interest as the fighter's body expanded, grew harrier, and erupted into the body of a giant ape.

Raven took his fighting stance now as the monkey charged him, laughing voraciously. Raven's eyes widened before, the warrior hadn't had the presence of mind or even focus completely on him in battle. Was it possible for these apes to control themselves?

There was no time to wonder. In a second, the ape had snatched him up and was squeezing tightly, before casting him to the ground, followed quickly by a huge blast of ki from its mouth. Raven was bruised and then hit hard by the attack, and his body bounced as he hit the ground. He recovered as fast as he could with the ape charging for him once more. He sat up, and fired a quick, ki blast that connected with the monkey's big toe. In pain, the ape grabbed his foot, growling angrily.

Raven quickly took his chance. He charged a ki blast while he could, using all the time he had with the ape occupied, and jumped into the air toward the yellow ball burning in the sky. As the monkey grabbed the teen's leg, he threw his attack straight for the Power Ball, smiling as it connected, dissipating both energies into nothingness. Then, he turned his attention to his foe once more, laughing as he shrank back down to normal size, his horrible wounds reappearing. Raven kicked the Saiyan in the face while he was still halfway between Oozaru and normal, sending him skidding across the ground as he finished his regression.

Raven laughed cruelly as he walked up to the pained Saiyan, who was panting feverishly, scarcely able to breathe. Lifting his broken body into the air, Raven brought the warrior's back down with crushing force onto his knee. The resulting crack caused a wicked smile on Raven's face the Saiyan's spine had been snapped in two. The boy let the Saiyan roll off his knee, then walked away slowly, the warrior writhing, unable to move effectively, and choking on his own saliva.

Raven's eyes opened in the gravity room. He sat up instinctively, realizing that his training had done the trick. Though he was wounded heavily still, he could move. But now the young warrior knew of a more pressing problem the Saiyans were learning how to control their Oozaru form. Raven silently vowed to find the source of this, and to crush it. The last thing he wanted was a monkey stronger than him.

The boy stepped into the gravity chamber and pressed a few buttons, cranking up the intensity from his previous session. At this point, he was the only one using the machine with any regularity.

Raven had grown rather familiar with the Saiyan language at this point, and he now knew just what to press. In seconds, the gravity engaged to forty times what he was normally accustomed to. He felt the pressure, as he before, and he found that he was quite sluggish compared to normal. He was still much faster than any normal warrior, but he was obviously slow.

In order to compensate and adjust to the gravity, the pre-teen began with meditation. He sat on the floor, closed his eyes, and began to utilize his ki to levitate. He channelled his energy to feeling the flow pass throughout his body as he focused on calming his mind.

The process was truly invigorating, and in an hour, Raven felt that he had achieved the level of familiarity with the gravity he needed to do some intense training. He immediately brought his meditation to an abrupt halt, uncrossing his legs and using the small space of time he had before landing to the throw several powerful punches and kicks through the air.

Raven smiled as his feet hit the ground, before letting a hush cry escape his lips, charging a quick little ki attack and then firing it. The teen then leaped into the air, throwing fast punches and kicks before curling into a cannonball and spinning through the air several times, landing on his feet once more.

As he landed, he stumbled slightly. The gravity was obviously having an effect on his equilibrium that he hadn't expected, and the strain on his muscles, already tired from his fight with the Oozaru, was great. He was already sweating buckets, despite the fact that he had just begun training. Nonetheless, he continued with determination, throwing attack after attack through the air. He practiced all of his best moves, using his leg to its full potential, as well.

Winded, the tuffle took a breather, before raising up on his leg and doing a basic exercise that all wariors done. It bettered their health, as well as strengthened their limbs, the legs. Raven raised himself up on his leg and began to push his entire frame upward, then allow it to fall. The exercise ached horribly, the gravity putting intense strain on the powerful muscles of the leg. It was an awkward position, and that added to the gravity's effect of resisting everything Raven did.

Finally, he reached the point as which his leg could bear the strain no longer. He collapsed on the floor, but quickly jumped to his feet, throwing punches and kicks at insane speeds. His leg, at this point, could hardly move; it was essentially just dead weight. Raven's arms and legs became heavier and heavier. He felt at any moment that he would black out and be unable to continue. His muscles burned with the intensity of his workout, but he refused to allow himself to stop.

Finally, panting and drenched, he could no longer even lift an arm to throw a punch. The soreness of his limbs was horrible, but regaining strength was necessary. He had promised himself an all-night training session, and that was just what he would do. He sat on the floor again and crossed his legs, using his reiatsu once more to lift him from the ground.

His leg hung behind him lifelessly as his ki surged through him once more. He was tired, but the meditation was doing his work in restoring his strength. It was a successful training session, to be sure it had worked off his frustrations about the opponents, who were getting stronger by the second, and he could already feel new power surging through him. And he knew what he would do for the present to deal with any upstarts who might try to rebel.

Raven quietly meditated, finally becoming strong enough to stand once more as he stopped his meditation and landed on his feet. He left the gravity room, still tired and exhausted. He was pushing himself too hard, but it was necessary to him. He slowly walked back to a chamber, ready to lay down for some well deserved rest, only to get up again later and continue training all over again.
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PostSubject: Re: A Man Of Vision (Raven's Training Thread)   A Man Of Vision (Raven's Training Thread) Icon_minitimeSat Aug 15, 2009 12:59 am


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PostSubject: Re: A Man Of Vision (Raven's Training Thread)   A Man Of Vision (Raven's Training Thread) Icon_minitimeSat Aug 15, 2009 1:01 am

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PostSubject: Re: A Man Of Vision (Raven's Training Thread)   A Man Of Vision (Raven's Training Thread) Icon_minitimeSat Aug 15, 2009 2:49 am

(Weighted Clothing)

The pre-teen went back to the gravity room. He pressed the keys to pump the gravity up a notch to 50x, then began a quick regimen of punches and kicks. The gravity slowed him, but it was a pleasant feeling to have himself worked to maintain his prowess in the restrictive environment. As expected, he wasn't waiting long before his guest stood in the doorway of the room.

All warriors were competent fighters, even if their fear kept them from resisting in some cases. There was the cousin of Vega, who was clearly older but still in his fighting prime. Raven smiled.

"Enter, you there, and lock the door behind you." He obeyed, each of them either looking hesitant or, in the now-familiar case, outright afraid. It was he who held up the rear, and bolted the door as the tuffle had commanded. The warriors was obviously feeling the effects of the intense gravity on their bodies.

"Please, feel free to acquaint yourselves with this level of gravity. I will give you five minutes; then, we will play a game." Raven said this last bit happily, and betrayed his elation in a way that made the warrior quite nervous. Indeed, he did as he was told, each of them either flying, punching, or meditating to become used to this intense experience. Most Warriors never went over 30x as a rule, because it was considered very dangerous for the average fighter to go any higher, but here he was, about to play in a part in the sick whims of the tuffle teen in 50x gravity...it was pure insanity.

Raven barked out an order when he felt that enough time had passed. "Stop! Now, let me explain to you the rules. You will fight me. Every time any one of us hits the floor, the gravity will be increased by another 10x...understood?" The Warrior looked more nervous even before. He wasen't even sure that they could survive higher gravity, much less fight the boy in it. He knew, though, that their survival depended on their staying upright and somehow gaining the edge over the young fighter enough to keep him from falling. However, his pride soon kicked in; surely one of the strongest Warriors left on this gravity training ship could handle this, right?

Raven smirked. "Go," he commanded, crossing his arms and standing totally still as the lone Warriors came flying at him aiming a myriad of blows at the warrior. Raven never moved once as two punches and a kick connected with his body. The blows were hard the warrior was certainly strong, and while it wasn't enough for the teen to go down, he faked the weakness anyway. He hit the floor, and was slow to get up.

"Hah, good," he commented, before striding to the computer and turning up the gravity another notch. "Now, let's see how well you do here!" The Warrior gulped as he prepared for round two.

Raven laughed as he walked over and turned the gravity machine up another ten points to 52x normal gravity. Immediately, the change was noticeable. The tuffle felt severe pressure on his limbs, but a slight raise of his battle power counteracted the change as he turned to face the Warrior.

He wasen't doing too well. He had barely adjusted to 50x gravity and mustered enough gust to to attack the tuffle once more. He knew that their attack couldn't have been strong enough to topple the boy, but somehow in the back of his mind his pride swelled extensively. He now believed that he was the cream of the crop, that he could conquer the universe if only he tried, despite their better instincts clearly indicating quite the opposite. Now, if only he could conquer the gravity.

"As before, you have five minutes," Raven explained, before leaping into his own training session. It was meant to draw on the fear of the warrior as much as it was to increase the tuffle's strength, and it fully accomplished both. Raven leaped into the air, spinning rapidly as he resisted the gravity. He vaulted from a near wall, and spent a great deal of time jumping from wall to wall and strengthening his legs. He threw several punches and kicks through the air, finding gleefully that even at half his maximum power he was still more than strong enough to tackle 52x.

The Warrior went to training, as well. Finally, gaining enough experience in the gravity to throw a punch or two.
Meanwhile, Raven was throwing blinding-fast punches and kicks that whizzed through the air. The Warrior tried as hard as he could to ignore him, but with each WHOOSH it was made increasingly aware of just how badly he was outclassed. He was on death row, and he knew it. Raven smiled, unconsciously aware that he was being observed. He had him just where he wanted him.

Without warning, Raven immediately disappeared, and then reappeared directly in front of the young warrior. He blew slightly, making the fighter's aura flutter a bit as he started back in terror, taking up a fighting stance. His hand moved blindingly fast as he flicked the man on the forehead, causing him to stumble backward, nearly hitting the ground, before running into the wall.

Raven chuckled, the other warrior before uneasily taking fighting stances. "Did I forget to say 'Go'?" the teen mused cruelly. The angered Warrior immediately took to the air rocketing for the tuffle, who leapt swiftly backward at his approach. They hit him head on, sending fierce blows aimed for his head and torso.

Raven couldn't keep from laughing as he blocked the fighters' attacks without him even knowing. All that he could feel was his fists and legs connecting with flesh, and so he continued, believing that they were making some sort of dent in what they saw as a monstrosity. Finally, Raven tired of the exchange and jumped out of the barrage, appearing again in front of the young warrior.

"Well, looks like we're going up again, eh?" There was absolute silence as Raven approached the console to again push the gravity to another level. All that could be heard was the soft clicking noise as the tuffle hit the keys necessary to crank the gravity up to 54x. Before pressing the key to engage the simulation, he looked around to see the warrior.

The experienced Warrior stood completely still, sweating and panting, as if accepting their doom. Raven knew that after the gravity was engaged, he wouldn't be getting up again. He pressed the key to engage the simulation, and intense pressure was felt once more.

Raven smirked, deciding to leave his strength just the way it was at this point in time. He would take the slight decrease in speed, and the increased strain would prove to make him stronger. Besides, it might make things a little more interesting. The boy spoke decidedly: "You know the drill." Indeed, he did.

He leaped into action, training as though clinging to this five minutes was all they had, all the hope of making them any stronger. The punched and kicked repeatedly until their bodies ached. The other warrior stumbled and almost fell. The gravity was beginning to takes its toll on his bodie. He wouldn't survive much more.

Raven took to meditating calmly for the five minutes. He crossed his legs and used his ki to lift him off the ground, he continued to rise through the room until his horns were inches away from the roof. His ki flowed through his body as he began to adjust to 54x gravity.The Warrior waited several seconds, but fear overpowered his pride. He turned his head downcast, before sparring for a single minute. Raven descended swiftly, cutting their match short. "Go," was the only word uttered as he drove a fist into Vega's cousin's stomach.

The warrior coughed up blood, but remained on his feet. Raven smiled. "Wow, you've got more to you than I thought. I thought for sure that would've gone right through you. Or that you would've hit the floor, at least. Congratulations." Raven's rant was cut short as a fist from the warrior connected with his jaw. The teen was completely unmoved; his eyes remained completely fixed upon the shaking warrior's petrified form.

Immediately, Vega's cousin brought his head upward into Raven's groin, nearly throwing the tuffle off his feet due to sheer surprise. The Warriors sent a pair of ki-charging fists into Raven's chest, sending the stumbling boy to the floor. He had managed to throw the young warrior to the ground. Perhaps he might survive this, after all! But Raven merely laughed and clapped as he gathered himself to a sitting position. "Well done," he commented. "But let's see how you do in 56x, eh?"

A pair of ki blasts connected with Raven, sending a shroud of smoke surrounding him. The lone Warrior punches and kicked through the shroud, the noises of flesh connecting with flesh echoing through the complex. It was short lived; however. A fist struck Satome on the chest."Now, Satome, I hope you won't be tempted to break the rules looks like it's just you and me from here on out." And so Raven went to the console and began punching keys once more.

Raven turned after engaging 56x normal gravity to find the slumping body of Satome, the cousin of Vega. The teen grunted as the gravity had its effect on him. His body hit the ground; he was having trouble lifting himself. His movements were greatly slowed, but finally, after several seconds, he adjusted. He could fight and move around, though slower than normal.

Satome looked hopeless. The coward had finally resigned himself to death; he had no hope of continuing. He knew it was futile. "Just kill me," was all that escaped his lips as he eyed the bodies of his two fellow players in the Tuffle's sick game of cat and mouse.

Raven raised an eyebrow. "What was that?" he asked hesitantly. He didn't like the idea of his fun ending like this. "Just kill me," came Satome's reply. Raven frowned. "Oh, Satome, I'm quite afraid it's not that easy. You see, this is a game. You are free to play at your leisure. However, as it is with every choice in this life, there are consequences either way. If you don't play, I will make it my mission to give you the most painful experience possible. Understood?"

Satome's body shook as if he would cry. Then, he screamed, his aura exploding around him as he turned and delivered a swift punch to Raven's face that sent him reeling, stumbling backward. Satome followed up his strike with a kick that threw Raven into the nearby wall, a loud thud erupting as he connected with the metal. Satome waited several seconds, as if surprised by his newfound determination, and lifted a leg to kick again. This time, however, the blow was caught by Raven.

Satome gasped. "Very good," Raven complimented him. "But, in case you hadn't realized by now, it's going to be painful anyway. Good news, though: I think I might bruise!" Cruelly, the young warrior lifted the larger Warrior into the air by his leg and slammed him into the floor. Satome grunted as he bounced, and Raven caught him on the rebound, sending him flying across the room with a powerful kick.

Satome skidding across the floor, leaving wounds all over his face and arms. He tried to get up, but found the gravity too much for his wounded body. His arms and legs were done. Satome, after a good yet short showing, was going to die. Raven was determined to hold to his promise, as he leaped through the air and landed on the Warrior's back. With a loud cry, Satome's body tensed, and then relaxed once more.

Raven jumped even higher, and landed with even more force on Satome's back. Another cry erupted, echoing throughout the surrounding halls and even reaching outside the rubble of the royal palace. Leap after leap brought repeated screams from Satome, as sickening cracking noises signified that his back and ribs were cracking more and more with every blow.

Raven stopped his assault and stepped off of the Warrior's back before walking around to his head. With a swift kick, the tuffle crumpled the Warrior's form, then rolled it onto its back. Satome's face was scarcely recognizable, and he was aware of only one thing pain. Raven charged a small, red ball on a single finger, before beginning to speak.

"Would you like to know something about my attack Satome?" he began. There was no reply, though Raven knew well that Satome could understand him even if he couldn't speak. "Well, I'll take that for a yes it's true, if it connects with any of your vital organs, you'll die and die fast. However, if it doesn't strike you in the heart, brain, or lungs, it's just very," he broke broke off as he fired the neddle into Satome's leg. The Warrior cried out weakly in pain, panting as if asking for release. "VERY," Raven continued, charging another and firing it into Satome's other leg. "PAINFUL!" he finished, charging a pair and striking Satome's arms with them.

Satome coughed weakly, blood pooling beneath him. But that wouldn't kill him, Raven knew. He would just writhe in burning, cutting pain until he died from suffocation. "Goodbye, Satome" Raven said cruelly. "May death be sweeter than torture for you." The tuffle approached the console and pressed the keys to turn the gravity up to 58x. As soon as the gravity engaged, he could feel the extreme strain on his own body as he walked out of the room.

Screams echoed from the gravity chamber regularly from Satome. Satome's screams persisted for hours on end, then became more scarce, and finally stopped altogether. Raven, unsmiling, entered into his chamber for some more rest; he needed his strength in order to continue his training.
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PostSubject: Re: A Man Of Vision (Raven's Training Thread)   A Man Of Vision (Raven's Training Thread) Icon_minitimeSat Aug 15, 2009 2:52 am


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PostSubject: Re: A Man Of Vision (Raven's Training Thread)   A Man Of Vision (Raven's Training Thread) Icon_minitimeSat Aug 15, 2009 2:56 am

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PostSubject: Re: A Man Of Vision (Raven's Training Thread)   A Man Of Vision (Raven's Training Thread) Icon_minitimeSun Aug 16, 2009 1:16 am

(Weighted Clothing)

Raven entered the chamber and flicked the switch to 60x gravity. The room turned a light shade of blue, and then the gravity pushed Raven down to his knees. He would not over exert himself rather he would master gravity.
He pushed hard with the muscles in his legs, and his body rose away from the floor. He stood still for a minute, concentrating on staying up, then started to walk around the room, speeding up with each step. After an hour or so, he thought he was ready for intense training. He started with throwing punches and kicks at the air, stretching his muscles. After another few minutes of this, he started push-ups and sit-ups. 250 of each, then he got to his feet. He set the control panel to let out a droid every thirty seconds, and then waited for the first to come out.

It came out of a compartment in the wall and threw a small ki blast at Raven, who dodged and threw a ki blastl of his own at the droid. The attack hit the droid and pushed it back. Raven drew in for the attack and let off a volley of punches into the droids stomach. At the end of the barrage, Raven's hand was surrounded by a red light. Raven's hand shot forward into the droids face, knocking the head clean off, just as the next droid came out.

He decided that these droids were too easy so he destroyed the droid with a quick but strong ki blast. Later the air around him seemed to weigh a lot more than usual, and Raven was brought down to all fours. The gravity was getting harder to get used to each time he went higher. He spent ten full minutes trying to get up this time and after he did, he fell straight back to his knees again. He thought that in 60x, just staying up and reaching the gravity machine would be more than enough practice.

He pushed up once more on his legs, but this didn't work, so he tried again, and again. On the fourth try, he managed to reach full height. He pushed further, but this time, not through his legs, with his body, and he entered the air. His feet were off the floor, and Raven was flying. He found it extremely hard to stay in the air. After a few seconds, the pressure became too much, and he dropped to the floor. The weight of the gravity pushed down upon him, but he managed to get up first try this time.

He stood and waited. After a minute, he walked around the room once, then sped up and made another lap, then sped up for another lap. After about ten laps he was sprinting at full speed. He was going too fast to stop himself and hit the wall, falling to the floor. He rolled backwards and pushed himself to his feet, nearly fell to the floor, and steadied himself.

He walked around the room and got used to gravity again, then started to punch and kick the air. He punched and kicked the air for a few hours, until he dropped from sheer exhaustion.

Raven flicked another switch on the portable gravity device, and the gravity in the room multiplied instantly to 65x that of earth's normal gravity as usual. Raven was forced to the floor, and stopped his face hitting the floor only by raising his hands above his face. The bones in his arm felt like they had shattered, and he could hardly move them. He tried to lift them from the floor, but couldn't, partly from the gravity. He rolled over onto his back, with difficulty, and looked out the window. Raven was not sure, but was sure he would be ready. With this as motivation, he placed his unhurt hand on the floor, and pushed hard. He was lifted up from the floor. He lifted his knee and put it under him, then the other knee, and pushed.

He was standing. He had used this technique to get up under gravity several times. He went to power up by releasing his ki, but found that he was somehow already powered up. He stood still, and waited, waited for the gravity to push him down. The time did not come, and Raven was able to stay on his feet. He laughed with excitement, and nearly lost his balance, but caught himself at the last second.

He started to walk, then jogged, then ran, then broke into a sprint. He was dripping with perspiration by the time he started to slow down. He punched and kicked the air, wishing once more for a fighting droid. After a while of punching and kicking nothing, he decided to try an imaginary opponent. He sent a kick into the air, back flipped, flew in again, and sent a punch at the imaginary fighters stomach. Raven ducked and twisted, spreading one foot out in front of him, knocking this opponent to the floor, then backed off once more, and fired a large ki blast into thin air. He flew in and landed a punch into the imaginary face. Invisible blood spurted everywhere, and the imaginary fighter was beaten. Raven tried out the imaginary fighter a few times, until he began to grow weary and left the chamber to get some rest, forgetting about the gravity.

After a few hours rest, Raven went back to the training room. As he walked in, he was forced to his knees He had forgotten to turn it off as he left the night before. He forced himself to his feet, and started walking, without making sure he could stand still. He was once more sprinting round the room in a matter of seconds. He stopped, only when he could run no further, which took about an hour. He took a short rest, and started push-ups and sit-ups, 250 of each, then started training with another imaginary fighter.

He brought a right fist into the fighters stomach, then spun away from the fighter, dealing a backhand blow as he came round, then another punch in the stomach, then a large ki blast appeared in his hand. Raven punched the imaginary fighter in the stomach hard, and the ki blast exploded, creating a large cloud of smoke, and a large bang. Raven back flipped. A large ki blast shot from Raven's hands and hit the imaginary fighter hard in the chest.

He was sent flying into a wall and collapsed. Raven tried the imaginary fighter technique a few more times, then went back to normal and hit the floor as he was tired. Couple hours later, Raven got up and left the room. Raven was ready for more training, and he would train until the very end. He looked up at the ceiling, and entered the chamber in front of him. He flicked a switch on the control panel to 68x the gravity of earth.

He was forced to the floor, with enough force to make a visible crack in the floor. Raven felt a bone crack in his ribs, knocking the air out of his lungs. He placed his hands under him and pushed up. He pushed as hard as he could, but could not get up from the floor. He tried as hard as he could, but he could not move. He focused his energy and charged an ki blast. His muscles bulged and this power up gave him just enough energy to push himself off the floor.

He powered down as soon as he was standing. This strain on his legs almost forced him to the floor again, but he stood straight. He ran round the room, getting used to the gravity. After a while he started to punch and kick the air for a while. He gave this up, and programmed the machine to let out a droid with the same Pl as Raven. It launched itself at Raven almost as soon as it left the chamber, knocking Raven backwards.

He sprung off of his hands, back flipped and almost stumbled, from the weight the gravity was putting on him. He regained his balanced himself, dodged a blow from the droid, and brought his own fist up into the droids stomach. The droid was forced back and Raven sent a kick at its head, missed and was knocked back by a punch from the droid. He regained balance again and threw a ki beam punch into the droids stomach.

He back flipped and his hands started to move very fast in different directions. A large ki aura grew in his hands, and fired down at the droid. The droid somehow dodged the blast, at surprising speed, sending a flurry of punches kicks and ki blast at Raven. He blocked some, dodged a few, but most hit, forcing him back. When he opened a gap in the droids attack, he darted forward, but was hit back by a punch to the face each time. He soon gave this up and focused fully on dodging.

After a while of this, he got bored, and was starting to get worn out. He placed one hand behind his back, and although it had been hard to block all even with two hands, he could block all hits easily with just this one hand. In the hand behind his back he was charging a ki blast. When the ki blast was large enough, he brought it out from behind him and jammed it into the droids stomach. There was an explosion and the droid was destroyed. Raven dropped to the ground next to to the control panel, and turned the gravity to normal, and left the chamber sweating heavily.

Raven flicked the switch in front of him and hit the floor. Several cracks spread from the point of impact. He rolled onto one side, and rubbed his bruised chest. He lay in this curled position for a few minutes, then tried to push himself up off the floor. He could not lift himself more than a centimeter off the floor. He tried again and got no further. He tossed pushing himself up off the floor. He reached just high enough to place his knee underneath him, but before he did, he thought about how hard he found it to get up every time he tried higher gravity levels.

He decided to get used to push ups in high gravity before he went into max gravity. He lowered himself to the floor, and pushed up once more, with enormous difficulty. He dropped to the floor this time, rather than lowering himself, then tried another push up. He dropped back to the floor just as he reached around halfway. He rested his muscles for a minute, then tried again, reaching three full pushups, and collapsed on the fourth. He rested his muscles again and the next time he reached five pushups, collapsing without even trying the sixth.

He decided this was enough, and after a rest, he pushed himself once more off the floor, and flew into the air. He threw several hundred ki blast around him, and sped up, flying in and out of the blasts. He sped through the large red balls hanging in the air around him. He spent half an hour doing this in the air, then half an hour on the floor. Eventually he decided that he had spent enough time devoted to speed, and would spend the rest of the time training his stamina and defense.

He ran at one of the ki blast and leapt straight at it. He was engulfed in energy, and pain rushed over his body. He nearly dropped, but made sure he stayed up. He ran into the next ki blast, and felt the pain again. He dropped to his knees this time, but got up and ran into the next. He did this until all of his energy was gone, which took about twenty minutes, and by which time he was bleeding from the lip and his left eye, with many dark burns over his body.

He looked around to make sure there were no more droids in the chamber, and seeing there weren't, he dropped to his knees out of exhaustion and pain. He awoke about half an hour later and lay where he was. After a minute or so, he tried pushups again. He placed his palms on the floor and pushed. One ... two ... three ... four ... five... six ... seven ... eight ... nine ... te-! He hit the floor, after collapsing halfway through the tenth. He got to his feet and massaged his arms. His arms shot off in every direction for a few seconds, then stopped.

A large shot of red ki shot from his hands towards the floor. He placed his hands in front of his body, and ran around to the front of the blast, to continue raising his defense against ki attacks. He shot several more shot of red ki blast, which were made stronger in such gravity, and used his speed so that he was hit, then switched off the gravity. Without the extra weight of the added gravity, Raven felt as light as a feather, and with all that training, he felt bruised, but ready to beat anything as he changed back to normal as usual. He walked out of the room, tired, sweaty, and exhausted just like always. His arms and legs felt like jelly.
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PostSubject: Re: A Man Of Vision (Raven's Training Thread)   A Man Of Vision (Raven's Training Thread) Icon_minitimeTue Aug 18, 2009 1:02 am


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PostSubject: Re: A Man Of Vision (Raven's Training Thread)   A Man Of Vision (Raven's Training Thread) Icon_minitimeTue Aug 18, 2009 1:21 am

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PostSubject: Re: A Man Of Vision (Raven's Training Thread)   A Man Of Vision (Raven's Training Thread) Icon_minitimeTue Aug 18, 2009 1:58 am

(Weighted Clothing)

After healing and resting up from his last go in the gravity chamber, the young tuffle finds himself getting up once again, bandages and all and trudging to the chamber once again. He wanted to become stronger and stronger. He got in and felt his lungs trying harder and harder to get the required air. Raven decided to spare most of his oxygen and wanted to get out, but the other part of him wanted to train to survive in this chamber. Raven stepped in further and saw signs which said 68x gravity, however, the first goal Raven had set, was getting to 70x gravity. That should have a similar sign though. With every step that Raven took, he felt the need for more and more air. Eventually he got to 69x gravity and almost fell to his knees. But, forgetting that he had new powers, decided to power up to the max and could stand upright again.

Upon reaching the sign that said 70x gravity, Raven immediately saw some sort of city. He figured he could train here and dropped to do some pushups. When he felt he was ready, he tried climbing a building and attempted to jump from roof to roof, until he mastered 70x gravity, along with this simulation build into it. In a short period of time Raven learned how to move freely in 70x gravity. Now he thought that if he actually wanted to gain exponentially in power he had to raise the stakes, he wanted to try 80x gravity. He desperately looked around for any signs of 71x gravity, but he didn’t find one. He went in a certain direction and noticed, because the air he breathed got thinner, that he was headed in the right direction. He passed a small number of buildings that were half collapsed by the free running Raven did. He remembered this area; he refrained from this earlier just because the air got thinner, now he was walking in it.

As soon as he hit the 71x gravity sign, he told himself that after this experience in the gravity room, he would never do this again. Maybe he should go on to 800x gravity, he began to think. He also found that he had to strain himself more and more to breathe. Noticing that he decided to do some kick free running to gain the upper hand over 71x gravity. He soon found the ability in himself to breathe without a problem, stand up right with no problem.

Within the blink of an eye he found himself in the 73x gravity zone. He mostly noticed because the air began to thin again, and as Raven had to put more and more force onto his lungs, he decided to do some sit-ups, followed by some free running. Within the shortest time he also had no problem with 73x gravity. He smiled briefly at his own achievements and continued onwards to 80x gravity. At 73x gravity he thought that the best thing he could do was to free run again, but this time, doing the most complex movements, as to make sure he got everything he needed for everything beyond 73x gravity.

After some time of having strained himself to the utter limits of his strength, Raven was disappointed. Not so much by the obvious fact he mastered living on 75 times gravity of the earth, but he was rather disappointed by the fact his stamina an out very soon. He decided to stay a while on the 75 times gravity border to train his stamina level, and in the meantime, he would look in his surroundings for odd and out of the ordinary things. But first he had to get through the night, which, ignoring the fact he was still in someone’s basement, could be quite chilly, as Raven noticed the few days before.

The night slowly fell, and Raven was still heavily involved in his training. As he was too busy, he did not notice the falling of then night, nor did he notice the footsteps behind him, silently sneaking up to him. Sweating heavily with leaving drips of red hot sweat on the floor, which, because Raven's body was different then humans or saiyans, burned a hole in the ground, he did not notice anything and was ready to collapse to the floor. Now it happened to be that his willpower told him to go on, and so he did, making his senses work properly again, giving him new energy. He turned around immediately after he heard the footsteps, behind the footsteps he saw a man, with his entire body wrapped in a black cover, and he was holding a knife with the size of a small sword.

Raven noticed all that before the man even began to notice he was being watched by the person he was supposed to watch. Raven ceased his training and lunged at the man in black robes, aggressively beating on the mans face. The man tried to fight back by grabbing Raven's head with one hand, and then he twisted his other hands wrist, revealing a sliding blade the size of two index fingers in front of each other. With Raven's head in one hand and his other hand free, he decided to take action and stabbed Raven in his arm. Raven responded by immediately letting go of the man and jumping back a bit, with which he hit a wall with the back of his head, and was stunned for a bit.

After Raven got back into reality, he took note of everything that was going on around him. The wind blew softly against Raven, gently stroking his arm, where the wound was where the man had stabbed him, it was gone now. The wind also seemed to unlock new escaping routes, such as right across Raven, behind his attacker, was a building with an open window that was wide open now, and it looked quite sturdy for a window.

Raven threw the man aside and to his surprise, hit the 78 times gravity marker. Raven thought before taking a sprint and running up the wall of the house he just noted. He ran across all rooftops, waiting for the assassin to follow him, and so he did, and he ran faster then Raven did, because at that time, Raven had passed the 79 times gravity sign and had trouble breathing. Raven decided to ran the last part and took a sprint towards 80 times gravity. And by the time he reached the 80, the assassin, as Raven noticed, couldn’t cross the 80 times gravity border. So Raven was safe, for now…

Standing behind the 80 times gravity sign was the man, who nodded in Raven's direction once. It was then, that the demon noted why the assassin kept on standing there. He wasn’t held back, he was merely giving the demon a breather. As soon as Raven noticed that he didn’t have much time, he also felt a big power in the man, almost on par with his own. Following suit, the assassin rushed at Raven, who wasn’t ready for him yet. Raven got surprised and was thrown into the 32 times gravity sign. Having skipped 80 times gravity, Raven knew for sure he had more then a match on his hands. As Raven made that statement, he was ready for a fight and taunted the assassin to come over. So he came over and immediately let loose a barrage op punches on the demon. He flinched, but firmly held the assassin by his shoulders, and began to intercept and block punches, redirecting them to the assassin. After a while of punching each other they started to lift into the air slowly. Giving more and harder blows with each passing second, the surrounding fell down.

The two fighters quickly broke off from their intense lock-up with the assassin looking worse for wear and Raven looking merely a bit annoyed. It was improbable for the assassin to keep up with him in a one to one bout but yet here it was happening as if something other drove on this strange creature. Bending his knees Raven quickly reached his hand out and began charging up his energy into one ki blast. In this moment the assassin closed his eyes and began to power up himself. Flames encompassing his body as his aura shifted from purple to green in a matter of a second. The two fighters energies collided as the ground they stood on began to shake. Dust particles and bits of rubble began to rise into the air as the two fighters looked each other straight in the eye.

The assassin began to leap a good yard away from Raven while his power began to, possibly in a last attempt, rise heavily. With one loud yell the assassin threw out one big green ball that was obviously too powerful for Raven to hold.
Raven re-appeared above the carnage happening below satisfied that the Necruin would be non the wiser when... Above Raven the Assassin hovered having seemingly followed his Path with his strange blind senses. A Double handed Slam coming into contact with Raven's Back lurching him right into the epicenter of the destructive explosion.

The energy tore at him and singed his demonic flesh as he yelled out in pain. Raven was defiantly confused by this as the dome vanished and he stood there glaring upward at the hovering form of the fighter that had actually caused pain to him. Slowly floating down to the ground the assassin began to breathe harder and harder as his energy slowly left him. This fight was too much! He knew he couldnt hold out much longer and at this state he was bound to die of exhaustion! As he gazed back up toward the sky with his blind eyes, He sidestepped a quivering palm strike meant for his chest and threw a kick up that missed with miles to spare. Blows were exchanged once more as both fighters aura's combined into one white orb of fire that had the remaining buildings crumble to bits. With a Kick, Raven sent The assassin hard, back first, into the one remaining building in the whole area, landing he began charging up one more attack when he noticed that he hit the 79 times gravity border.

The assassin, flipping back to his feet held up his hand in a weakened stance his body reacting as he retreated running back but Raven followed him, hoping that he would gain some information. But instead he found the 80 times gravity sign. Raven was relieved to see that the training had helped. He flicked a switch, turning off the gravity and simulation that when along with it. Raven sighed as he was panting, blood on his face here and there and sweat pouring down, dripping all over his clothes. He headed back to his quarters for some rest.
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PostSubject: Re: A Man Of Vision (Raven's Training Thread)   A Man Of Vision (Raven's Training Thread) Icon_minitimeTue Aug 18, 2009 2:36 am


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PostSubject: Re: A Man Of Vision (Raven's Training Thread)   A Man Of Vision (Raven's Training Thread) Icon_minitimeWed Aug 19, 2009 2:32 am

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PostSubject: Re: A Man Of Vision (Raven's Training Thread)   A Man Of Vision (Raven's Training Thread) Icon_minitimeThu Aug 20, 2009 1:57 am

Weighted Clothing

As Raven slowly walks through the gravity chamber doors once again, he looks around for the switch and dial to set the room to his liking. When he spots the gravity dial and the start switch he sets it to 80x since he has mastered all the way up to x70 now it was time to take it on to the further step. He threw some punches at the air. Then he practiced his combos he did three punches and two kicks then when he pictured his foe falling back from his combo he did a back flip kick and finished it off with a desert flash as the image in his head fell to the ground. Raven grinned but then frowned in anger it was true that the tuffle training has greatly improved his strength but in that same breath it was known that there were many more warriors out there that still seemed to surpass him regardless of his growing strength.

By this time Raven was furious he started to explode with anger and he let out a barrage of punches, kicks, energy blasts all around. As he trained harder and harder with each passing second he noticed how much he has improved since the day he entered the strenious gravity chamber. He got back in his fighting stance then he spun three times and in those three spins he launched 9 kicks. He tried the aerial barrage again but didn't accomplish it that time either when suddenly he felt a burst of ki just rushing through his entire body. He put his hands out in front of him and looked at them. He went for the aerial barrage this time he accomplished 10 strikes.

This time he was determined to land it the second time. He started his regular aerial blast but after every kick he added a ki blast. When he was finished he nailed it but Raven got careless and he forget to count how many he did. The young warrior jumped up and started to spin then suddenly he kicked then shot an ki blast. He continued this until he got up to ten where he floated back down on his feet.

Raven walked into the chamber setting the gravity to 85x times normal and the scene shifted and blurred till Raven was in a small forest the blue sky loomed up above Raven flexed his power to his max. Raven flew at the trees smashing the trees in front of me the splintering of the bark as it flew out from his impacts Raven flipped over and landed on his feet again readying a fist for another blow until the earth began to tremble. Raven leapt as a stream of magma shot up. Raven dashed away as the magma flew into the air. Then another shot up as Raven weaved between the streams of magma. Then another flew up hitting him in the chest Raven was knocked backwards but quickly regained his composure and blasted the rising magma.

Raven got back to his feet readying for the next magma shot Raven leapt away just as another one shot out where Raven had just been. His gaze drifted to the spot where the magma had been. What happened here to make the magma so active. Raven flew into the air and saw a giant mountain range. Raven flew over to the mountains and landed Raven figured a good way to test his new strength would be to climb the highest mountain without the use of his tapping into his ki. Raven grabbed onto the ledge and began to climb up pushing himself up with his legs and his hands pulling me up as Raven climbed up. After several hours Raven reached a small ledge and Raven walked into a small cave and began
laying down against the wall. Raven closed his eyes and began to sleep. When Raven woke up Raven heard a small growling noise beside me. Raven stood up to be face to face with a giant black bear. It swung its massive paw at the teen only for the boy to parry weaving backwards.

The bear charged forward and knocked into the tuffle knocking both off the ledge. Raven watched as the bear sprang into a panic. Raven shook himself free but the bear continued to fall. Raven rushed down guliding smoothly grabbing the bear as Raven slowly began to descend towards the ground holding the bear up. It took up a great deal of his strength as Raven set it down on the ground. As it scurried into the forest Raven looked back at the mountain Raven was a great deal out of his way. Rave began climbing again it didn't take the teen as long as the first time. It took ten hours for me to reach the second ledge and the air was extremely thin causing his lungs to struggle to take in enough air. Raven began leaping around flipping over and landing on both hand and feet and repeating that process. Raven began to take a rest. Raven woke up again and began climbing up gritting the ledges in his hand and pushing himself up till Raven reached the top. His lungs were burning from the strain but Raven forced himself up even though his lungs felt like they would burst. Raven began firing a ki blast out into the horizon and then took to the air again. Raven looked down as the ki from his rise created a crater, then flew across, and dove down. Raven turned around and blasted a Dark flash into the sky.

The blast began weighing the tuffle down until Raven quickly barrel rolled aside and took back to the air. Raven continued pushing himself higher into the sky. Raven flew back onto the ledge raising one foot and kicked forward several times. Raven leapt over and punched out as his fist swung through the air creating arcs through it Raven landed on his feet again looking out. Raven looked down into the forest below Raven could see magma streams shooting into the air. Raven flew down shoring through the magma shots. Raven looked into the air and blasted a Raven blast into the sky. Raven began to focus on his health to replenish his ki that was expended. Raven kicked into the air knocking the magma streams away.

Raven landed in the center as Raven began concentrating on his ki raising it up to its max. His fists clenched drawing blood from his palm. Raven landed on one hand pushing himself up with one hand holding the other behind his back. Raven lifted himself onto his fingertips holding himself up with his fingers. Raven then tossed himself up doing a kick over his head so Raven landed on his feet Raven wrapped his legs around a tree branch holding himself up. Raven began doing crunches. The strain of hanging on with his feet began to get to the teen but Raven continued until Raven couldn't take it anymore. Raven leapt off the branch landing on his hands and feet and rushed forward. Raven began blasting his red ki into the air and then quickly landed on his feet. Raven looked forward seeing a magma stream shoot by him grazing his hair. Raven quickly moved out of the way and blasted back into the air to smell sulfur emanating from the air.

He finished up his gravity training, exhausted, covered in burns, bruises and cuts from falling and hitting himself and taking things above and beyond in order to master it all. He sank into the cool water of a nice bath after slipping his sweaty bandages off and just sat there and relaxed, letting the water work on his wounds and sore muscles as he drifted off to sleep.
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PostSubject: Re: A Man Of Vision (Raven's Training Thread)   A Man Of Vision (Raven's Training Thread) Icon_minitimeThu Aug 20, 2009 2:08 am


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PostSubject: Re: A Man Of Vision (Raven's Training Thread)   A Man Of Vision (Raven's Training Thread) Icon_minitimeThu Aug 20, 2009 2:12 am

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