For the good of the site I have decided to break a couple of my own rules. In the case of Saga's I want to make sure everything stays exciting. The only way I can succeed in doing that is if things are challenging and fun at the same time. I will be doing this by giving increases to certain player controlled characters. In the recent saga of Cell's Uprising, I have decided to give the character Cell a 80,000 Pl and Ki boost. I am doing this so that the saga stays complicated for all of the players. I am doing this Temporarily and may remove said PL when all is said and done.
I am not saying that the 80,000 is all I am giving him, in fact for the Saga I may give him even more, and I will do that with more than one character. What I am trying to do is keep things fresh and fun and I will do that by giving temporary boosts throughout a Saga. Depending on how hard you work and what you do will determine whether or not you create a Saga. If you want to have a Saga send me a PM or heck just start causing trouble.