Characters Name: Cell Jr
Characters Gender: Male (like ma daddy)
Character's Race: BIlogical android
Alignment: Evil
Powerlevel: 350
Zenni: 500
Character's appearance (may be an image):
Planet you want to start on: Earth
What are your starting techniques:
* Absorption
* Telekinesis
* Death Beam
* Kamehameha
* Regeneration
* Special Beam Cannon (same as my daddy)
Characters story: Cell Jr was born one day when dr Gero decided to make another biological android. he used the same cells he used for the original cell but in the process something went wrong. When this cell was born his size was much smaller than the original and he also seemed to look up to the original cell like his father.
A few months after the original cell left Cell Jr also ventured off in search of food. he got lost countless times until he found west city. where he stayed in an under ground tunnel waiting for the day he could come to the surface and help his daddy become perfect.
BB (with cell pwease)