Goku looked at the giant man called King Yemma confused, "So I just run this Snake Way and a King of some sort will be waiting for me," he said looking at the big man as he nodded, "Okay, I'm off. See you King Yemma," the saiyan continued as he ran out of the behemoth's office and headed toward snake way where he saw one of the giant's staff members.
Goku stopped at the man with his goggle like glasses who held his hand up, "Hey, buddy. I actually want to go see the other King so I can't help you right now," Goku said before the man could even speak. King Yemma's staff member just looked at him over his glasses, "Sir, I just want to in form you that if you fall off snake way you'll head straight for hell. Enjoy your trip," the man said walking past Goku back to the office.
After a few hours of running snake way Goku was close to exhaustion, "How can this thing go on so long," the saiyan said as he took a break. He didn't have time to waste the man from Earth thought, "Going super," Goku yelled as a golden aura surrounded him and he turned into the fabled super saiyan, "This feels great," the fully recovered saiyan said before blasting down snake way.
Goku reached the Kai's planet not long after. He saw the small planet in the sky and with one mighty leap landed hard on it's surface, "Who's that," he heard a voice calling from under a vintage car. Goku decided to walk closer to the sound when out of nowhere something jumped on his head, "AAAAH," the reverted saiyan yelled running as he tried to get the thing of his head, "Bobbles, that's no way to treat a guest," a voice right in front of Goku yelled. This one was different from the first one.
Goku stopped in his tracks and took what he saw was a money off of him, "Well, aren't you a naughty critter," the saiyan laughed and yelled as he saw the voice he heard came from a flying cricket, "Ahhh, you're a cricket, King Kai," Goku asked surprised but another voice from behind him said, "No, Gregory is a cricket and I am King Kai," Goku turned around to see a short chubby being behind him covered in grease. They all laughed because of the awkward meeting.
A few weeks later, "That's it, Goku. You've completed your training. Go now and come visit us soon," King Kai said as he waved at the departing saiyan.